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"If you decide to do good deeds, then do not hesitate.
You start to think, you never will."
Metropolitan Anthony Of Surozh
The Fund for Good Deeds "BE GOOD" was created for social support and protection of citizens, including improvement of the financial situation of low-income families with many children, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, are not able to independently realize their rights and legitimate interests.
In addition, the Fund's activities are aimed at supporting socially significant youth initiatives, projects, children and youth movement, children and youth organizations;
- provide assistance (including financial) to persons suffering from serious diseases (primarily children), or non-profit organizations that directly help these individuals;
- providing free aid or support to students, including financial aid, in particular, through donations, grants, scholarships, awards, and other means not prohibited by applicable law;
- financing of scientific, applied, marketing and other research, contributing to the achievement of the goals of the Fund;
- participation in charitable programs of targeted assistance to children, carried out by any organization, any organizational and legal form, including banks, state bodies, international organizations, including, but not limited to, the receipt of the Fund from these organizations of targeted cash contributions and sending them to help children;
- assistance in the implementation of projects to support large families in the provision of food, clothing, household utensils, furniture, including the organization of treatment, education and recreation for children from large families at the expense of the Fund;
- assistance to children who find themselves in a situation that threatens the life of a child;
- assistance in providing food and medicines to citizens (including children) suffering from serious diseases, and patients of children's medical institutions, nursing homes;
- organization and provision of food (daily meals) to members of large and poor families, as well as veterans of the great Patriotic war, disabled children, pensioners;
- provision of material assistance to minors, refugees, the homeless and the poor;
- interaction with public authorities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, legal entities and individuals, including international and foreign organizations in order to most effectively address the objectives aimed at improving the work of the Fund;
- cooperation with state law enforcement agencies in the prevention of child homelessness, alcoholism, combating the spread of drug addiction, extremism and terrorism;
- interaction with the bodies of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia to provide citizens convicted (detained) of crimes of various degrees of severity (including adolescents) with religious and educational literature, food, clothing and footwear for the season, as well as support for the rehabilitation and employment of those released from prison;
- support and development of projects in the film industry that promote healthy lifestyles and promote the prestige and role of the family in society, as well as strengthening the spiritual development of the individual;
- development and participation in programs for the restoration of architectural monuments, including churches, monasteries, as well as the construction of new cultural and religious facilities;
- organization and holding of international charity cultural and entertainment, cultural events, auctions, festivals, exhibitions and fairs aimed at achieving the goals of the Fund;
- joining forces, willing to provide assistance (volunteers), the development of the volunteer movement to help the work of the Foundation;
- assistance in the implementation, support and support of socially important children's projects aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral foundations of life of the younger generation, citizenship and patriotism;
- development and implementation of measures aimed at promoting activities in the field of physical culture and mass sports, in the field of prevention and protection of health of citizens, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;
- development and implementation of activities aimed at supporting socially important youth initiatives, projects, children and youth movement, children and youth organizations;
- organization of publishing and printing activities, including the publication of books, brochures, Newspapers, video products for information support and implementation of programs aimed at achieving the goals of the Fund.
With the help of our website, we can tell everyone about the Fund's activities and actions that we conduct.
The Fund for Good Deeds "BE GOOD" unites the efforts of Internet users to collect and distribute not only money, but also various material values.
Everyone can contribute and take part in the activities of the Fund.
Doing good things is not as easy as it seems. It is a hard work for the benefit of neighbors, which is generously paid with gratitude, a smile and a kind word.
Good always comes back... All in our hands!..